Kent Crispin wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 08:14:55PM +1200, Joop Teernstra wrote:
> > Roberto and all,
> >
> > The IDNO constituency will prove to you and to ICANN that Tony is right.
> > Voting is now underway for a 21 member steering committee for the IDNO.
> OTOH, you railroaded David Crocker, Kevin Connolly, and I out of the
> group, and there is a clear systematic anti-ICANN bias in the IDNO.

The only "railroading" that's been done has been by CORE, of the
individuals and non-commercial organizations out of ICANN. You and
Crocker and Connolly only joined IDNO in order to disrupt it. If
anyone wants to have a legal and democratic process, they will be
forced to exclude you, because everything that you three are
involved in you will do your best to subvert.

> > This has been a volunteer effort of programming, website building and
> > listserv discussion.
> > Voters' fraud from different e-mail addresses is precluded by the software.
> > (every voter gets a unique password)
> OK.  Good.  I will be kent00001@hotmail -- kent99999@hotmail, all
> generated by software, all having different passwords, all voting my
> way.

That's just the sort of thing one would expect of you. That's why
you and your ilk have to be kept out of any democratic organization.
You hate democracy, and take every opportunity of subverting it.
That's the only way you and the other CORE people can have any say
in what's going on, because no right-thinking, democratically
organized group would pay any attention to you otherwise.

> > I am offering  use of the site for the equivalent of the cost of my
> > attending the Singapore, Berlin and Santiago meetings.
> > Sounds fair?
> I'll offer the same thing for lower cost, on my servers, and I will
> throw in some security expertise as well.  Sound fair?

You could never offer the same thing. Anything run on CORE members'
servers will be rigged and fraudulent from the outset, just like the
Barcelona/Monterrey lists were rigged, and like the present
DNSO lists are rigged. You and your co-conspirators in CORE and ISOC
don't know the meaning of the word "fair". You are people who can no
longer discern between right and wrong, and aren't fit to take part
in this process.

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (212)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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