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>Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 15:08:34 -0700
>From: Dave Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [IDNO-DISCUSS] Re: [IFWP] Kent Crispin applies for IDNO
>  membership
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>Great note.  Extremely instructive:
>At 09:10 AM 7/20/99 , Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
>>comes as somewhat of a surprise. I hope that you are sincere.
>Please forgive me for pointing out than this sort of statement, coming from 
>an office holder and decision maker of the organization, is extremely 
>prejudicial and reflects an up-front lack of impartiality.
>Unless, of course, you present a similar challenge to all applicants.  Do you?
>> > > requirements, in an open and transparent fashion.  Unlike the ICANN
>> > > and the DNSO, we don't consider the position they are likely to take
>> > > with regard to their plans as a factor in membership decisions.
>> >
>> > Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!
>>For the interest of fairness, I will ignore this bit of rudeness, on
>That is appropriate, since you seem not only to ignore, but to entirely 
>miss, the bit of rudeness to which he was responding.
>> > >> No, I don't agree to that offensive loyalty oath.  I
>> > simply ignored it.
>>William and Kent, the IDNO does NOT have a loyalty oath. I wish you
>>would both quit refering to that clause as such. it simply explicates
>Yes, it is always painful to have someone characterize things in a way 
>different than one intended, isn't it?
>>the charter and mission statement as the reason for joining the IDNO  No
>>organization tolerates members actively working against itself. Those
>Active effort against an organization is different from requiring formal 
>statement of agreement, ie, a loyalty oath.
>>Nor does the IDNO. BTW, in your job, you have taken a loyalty oath. As a
>>US citzen, you have taken the "pledge of allegiance", yet another
>Actually, no, a native-born American has no requirement for such an oath, 
>absent that taking one of a small set of special jobs.
>In any event, IDNO is not on that scale of governance and it is just this 
>sort of escalation that makes people afraid that ICANN is forcing things 
>towards governance.
>>loyalty oath. Please don't bore us with tripe about how loyalty oaths
>Roeland, as an officer of this organization you need to watch your mouth.
>Indulgence in this sort of rude and offensive and dismissive language is a 
>very good reason for doubting the legitimacy of IDNO.
>Lack of professionalism is particularly less tolerable from an official, 
>than from other participants.
>> > > This is totally in line with the ICANN dictates over
>> > constituency self organization.
>> > I don't think so.
>>You are entitled to your opinion.
>Well, the question is very much appearing to be whether he IS entitled to 
>his opinion, or whether you are going to penalize him (more than you 
>already have) for holding and expressing it.
>>BTW, I take my position very seriously, including dealing with folks
>>that I may personally dislike, in as fair and objective a manner as
>>possible. Kent, you have been known to stretch such tolerance to the
>>extreme, I recognize that. However, this is exactly why we have so many
>And, Roeland, for a second time you are here demonstrating an extreme bias 
>in your position, since you seem unable to appreciate the importance of 
>refraining from undermining participants with ad hominems.
>For the rest of you who are serious about IDNO being taken seriously, I 
>suggest you consider carefully the burdens that fall onto the shoulders of 
>your office-holders.
>Dave Crocker                                         Tel: +1 408 246 8253
>Brandenburg Consulting                               Fax: +1 408 273 6464
>675 Spruce Drive                             <http://www.brandenburg.com>
>Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Richard Sexton  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://dns.vrx.net/tech/rootzone
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Bannockburn, Ontario, Canada,  70 & 72 280SE, 83 300SD   +1 (613) 473-1719

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