>From :

The website of "Robert F. Connelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> who is a
"participant" on the Workgroup-C list on new gTLDs.

     NEWS: 1 August 1999:
     The The first Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) may be delegated
     in October or November of 1999. CORE anticipates .nom will the
     first delgated to CORE by ICANN (successor to IANA). It should be
     followed by .firm, .shop, .info, .rec, and .arts. Delegation of
     .web will be delayed until conflicts can be resolved.

I have asked Mr Connelly to provide the source for this information on
the Workgroup C list.

But the implication is that CORE has already received information that
this is what will happen, that they can expect the first of "their"
domains in Oct/Nov, followed by the rest of "their" domains.

It is my understanding that NO decisions or recommendations were to
made until Workgroup C finishes its work, sometimes in the next month
to month and a half.

But this comment suggests to me that the outcome of this process is
already determined, and that we can expect the same betrayal of "open
processes" that we got with ICANN and the DNSO.

Perhaps someone from the media on these lists can tell me how they can
POSSIBLY ignore the colusion that is going on, or not see that in fact
this special interest faction has dominated and will continue to
dominate this process, and only giving the most barest surface nod to
open processes and getting public input, while quietly going along
their way to do things the way they have already decided to do them.

When the hell will you wake up and cover the real story?

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

Support the Cyberspace Association, the 
constituency of Individual Domain Name Owners 

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