
I am curious why you and the rest of the ICANN board are not at all
disturbed by such pronouncements as the one cited below.  Rather than
dismissing the legitimate concerns expressed here by listmembers, shouldn't
you and ICANN be insisting that the misinformation posted on Connelly's
website be removed.

What are your priorities in this situation--to quell commotion and treat
listmembers like juveniles or to investigate a valid complaint against
someone who deceptively promotes the gTLD agenda of a self-interested
faction that dominates these "self-organizing" activities?

Esther Dyson wrote:

>Please rest assured that this item below is not based on fact -  "may" =/=
>"will" and CORE can anticipate what it wants without making it so. ICANN has
>made no decisions in this regard....and cannot at this point, as most of you
>know.  ICANN depends on the DNSO to make recommendations in this area -
>recommendations which will be posted/debated publicly before leaving the
>DNSO to us, and will then be debated openly again.  There is no way we could
>make such a decision now, and no way that it could survive even if we tried
>to... Please calm down!

>>At 10:47 PM 11/08/99 -0700, William X. Walsh wrote:
>>From :
>>The website of "Robert F. Connelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> who is a
>>"participant" on the Workgroup-C list on new gTLDs.

>>     NEWS: 1 August 1999:
>>     The The first Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) may be delegated
>>     in October or November of 1999. CORE anticipates .nom will the
>>     first delgated to CORE by ICANN (successor to IANA). It should be
>>     followed by .firm, .shop, .info, .rec, and .arts. Delegation of
>>     .web will be delayed until conflicts can be resolved.

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