Kent Crispin wrote:

>Just exactly how would ICANN proceed in "insisting" that some stuff
>on *anybodies* web site be removed?

Fair question.  An effective PR firm should be at the ready to provide both
damage control and issues management, not just corporate promotion.  I
think ICANN should be very concerned that someone involved in the Working
Group discussions who also has represented ISOC in public presentations is
spreading misinformation on a major website and passing it off as "News".

To answer your question, since ICANN hired a PR firm as one of its first
actions, Ogilvey should issue a worldwide press release in *non weasel
terms* from the ICANN board that the misinformation being spread on the
Internet that new gTLDs .firm, .shop, .info, .rec, and .arts will be
delegated to CORE is completely untrue.

How hard can that approach be?

By doing nothing outside this list to counter the disinformation, fud,
lies, call it what you will, ICANN abets such activity.

> Bob Connelly can put whatever he
>pleases on his web site, and there isn't a thing ICANN can do about

Sure, Connelly and others can post whatever claims they want and push their
own agenda.  And ICANN has a choice of turning a blind eye to such
disinformation, passed off to the public as "News",  or refuting it loud
and clear,  not just admonishing those on this list to "calm down"..

What I would expect ICANN or any corporation involved in an important,
complex and contentious process to do is to address the spread of blatant
lies, not merely to admonish the messengers who communicate their concerns.

And since you brought up Richard Sexton out of the blue, I think he has
done a superb job of maintaining this list.  He has his opinions about
these issues, of course, but he also has the integrity to separate his
personal involvement from  his role as the IFWP listmanager.  He has been
absolutely unpartisan and fair in managing this list, and I believe your
pathetic attempt to discredit his pro bono effort here will backfire.

Ellen Rony                                          The Domain Name Handbook
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