The Berkman Center does not pay Mr. McLaughlin's salary.  I can understand why
you might be confused, though.  Last year he was a Berkman Fellow.   This year,
however, he is employed by ICANN.  Also, I should point out that not all
Berkman Fellows receive money; some receive the assistance of student research
support or the use of library facilities, etc.  A Fellow is not the same as an

Prof. Zittrain testified as to the details of the financial relationship
between ICANN and the Berkman Center in his testimony to the House Committee on
Commerce at the July 23 hearing.  His testimony is archived at  ICANN pays the costs of the
webcasting services that Berkman provides.

Diane Cabell
Berkman Fellow

Jay Fenello wrote:

> At 03:27 AM 8/21/99 , Ellen Rony wrote:
> (....)
> >The website says Andrew McLaughlin is Interim Treasurer and CFO.   Write
> >directly to him.  Perhaps he won't be as circumspect as the board members:
> Interesting . . .
> It would appear that the Berkman Center
> is now funding officers for ICANN!
> Jeff, while you're at it, why don't you try
> and find out how many ways other organizations
> like the Berkman Center, IBM, MCI, etc. are
> providing off-balance sheet funding to ICANN,
> . . . . AND WHY?
> LOL ;-)
> Respectfully,
> Jay Fenello
> President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
> -----------------------------------------------
> What's your .per(sm)?
> "All truth passes through three stages.  First, it is
> ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third,
> it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)

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