Saturday, August 21, 1999, 7:47:32 PM, Jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> William and all,

>   I am afraid I don't agree with William's evaluation of the Berkman
> Centers performance....  Why?  Well it is a documented FACT
> that the Berkman Center has had several opportunities for CNN, TBA/TNT
> and others, which have offered coverage and INternet IP Video
> conferencing for their meetings, Free, and have not once followed up
> with any of them, as I checked....  Oh yes, I almost forgot, I believe
> the WEBTV offered as well...  Same result...

Proof, including names of people to contact to verify (and no, I won't
accept contacting them through your Homestead Studios voicemail line).

Or is this like the money you once offered Bob Allisat? (see for more information on that one).

Put up or shut up you fraud.

I think your allegation above is false, and possibly actionable.  One
more to add to the collection?

I suggest you hire an attorney to review any and all remarks you make,
"Jeffrey", to prevent you from saying something that might place your
treasured anonymity at stake.

William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934
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