Roberto and all,


> Jeff Mason wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Ben Edelman wrote:
> >
> > > I must say, I think these fields are exceptionally
> > reasonable -- each
> > > justified for a legitimate logistical reason, with privacy
> > policies clearly
> > > stated on the sign-in form itself.  Nonetheless, if there are
> > > counterarguments re why the above should be done
> > differently (or not at all,
> > > I suppose...), I'd be open to hearing them, on or off-list.
> >
> > Well you see that's the point.  Logistal reason.  And you
> > post first name
> > and last name information of the participants.
> >
> > Privacy law certains around an individuals "right to
> > privacy".  If ICANN
> > were a commercial organizations, and even a standard non profit
> > organization, such rights would not apply.  But ICANN
> > represents a very
> > large constituency, and if must respect establish privacy law and
> > proceedures.
> >
> > The fact you disclose and have a privacy statement is
> > irrelevant.  As a
> > democratic NGO, ICANN must understand individual have the
> > right to decline
> > providing any information.  And just entering junk into the
> > fields is not
> > enough, they must have the right to decline any contribution
> > of personal
> > information, a right to decline.  ICANN has no established privacy
> > guidelines of any value - understandably - the organization
> > is young.  But
> > the issues bear some urgency in consideration.
> >
> > Regards
> > Jeff Mason
> >
> I am surprised on how this can become an issue.
> Who wants to maintain privacy can give a fake name and company, like, for
> instance, "Jeff Williams - INEG".

  Well I see that you are ill informed, ROberto, or is this just a pot shot?

> I don't think that the Berkman Center will ask for IDs or electronic
> signature ;>). In fact, I assume that they can leave the fields blank, if
> they wish.
> OTOH, people that want to identify themselves are welcome to do it.
> Even comments to the USG Green + White Papers were "signed", identifying the
> user. And I may assume that USG can be considered a NGO ;>).

  Anyone can sign anything with any name Roberto, similar to what
you do...

> Regards
> Roberto


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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