>What I will enjoy most in this documentary is to see all those that were
>against alternate sources of funding (membership, $1 domain name fee, and so
>on) now complaining that ICANN has taken the money somewhere else, as if
>this was not obvious to everybody (and spelled out clearly) since the

Glad you like that one Roberto. The one I like is the apparant
paradox that is ICANN had done what it was supposed to and coordinated
technical functions there'd be about 100 new tlds in the root,
NSI would have real compettion and would be a helluva lot more
willing to throw in a buck a name. And prices would be lower

Instead we have government mandated middlemen. no ralprice
decrease and if you listen very closely you can hear the sound
of an axe falling aimed at a couple of cctlds giving less
tlds rather than more, exclusion of individuals and
sufficient gerrymandering to keep portfolios filled 
for years.

I havn't seen mush opposition to a membership fee though.

          "So foul a sky clears not without a storm"   - Shakespeare

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