> Karl, have you tried to join the non commercial constituency?

I can't.  It is open only to organizations.

Besides. ICANN's bylaws say that any constituency can "self organize".
And the IDNO has done a wonderful job of self organizing.  I suggest that
it is better organized than any of the recognized constituencies.

There is no reason why a group of people who have a direct interest in
domain name should be refused a constituency when six constituencies
were automatically granted for six types of business entities.

I would suggest that since every corporation is composed of people, that
there simply be an IDNO constituency and that everyone be forced to join

Many would probably object to what I said in the previous paragraph
because they would feel that their interests would be submerged.

The reverse is true, individuals would be submerged other constituencies.

Individuals have a right to their own recognized constituencies.  ICANN is
acting as if individuals were some horrible thing to be rejected in all
manners, shapes, and forms.

And the At-large membership, even if it were ever to be created, and
especially since it was dismembered in Santiago, is not a substitute for a
DNSO constituency.


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