Tony Rutkowski pointed out: 

Hi Roberto,

The way I understand it, there is no obligation from ICANN to consult the
governments (in particular those who choose not to participate in the GAC).

au contraire (sorry I don't know the Italian).

  The Board will notify the chairman of the Governmental 
  Advisory Committee of any proposal for which it seeks 
  comments under Article III, Section 3(b) and will consider 
  any response to that notification prior to taking action.
  See Art. VII, Sec. 3.a, ICANN Bylaws.

Art. III, Sec. 3(b) includes just about everything of a substantive



 You are right, I stand corrected  :<( . 

Nevertheless, I keep the part of my point about ICANN not having any
obligation to contact individual governments that do not participate in the



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