
I will try to outline such a set of concrete scenarios. It will take 
some time. I have no staff, it is the beginning of our term and I 
will take what time is necessary to do a good job. So don't expect it 
this week but I will do it soon.


  At 3:27 PM -0400 9/10/99, Gordon Cook wrote:
>Dave this is a perfectly reasonable comment.  There is only one 
>point on which I STRONGLY disagree with it.
>>you say: If ICANN fails it
>>will be taken as a indicator that the net can not manage itself and
>we will get "Adult" supervision which believe me we will not like.
>Vint, Esther, John and other have said the same thing.....the 
>internet will be in danger, ecommerce will fail, etc is the 
>additional undertone that has gone along with these warnings from 
>senior net people.
>Hey, we are reasonable enough people to make our own judgements if 
>you senior folk who claim have this specialized knowledge will just 
>be good enough to share it with us.  Let us form our own 
>opinions.... which is just a different way of saying to you:  please 
>be good enough to defend and debate the assertions that you make.
>In the absence of such reasoned debate there are far too many other 
>reasons to read into what then begins to look like the self-serving 
>nature of what's going on.
>So look Dave.  Do us a favor and let us know in detail *WHY* you 
>fear what happens will be so much worse than  ICANN.  Myself - I 
>cannot imagine what could be worse.  Dyson, Cerf, Roberts, Patrick 
>are pushing their own agenda pedal to the floor and are doing it in 
>such a way as to rigg things so that participation of other people 
>with other ideas is done in such a way as to render anything but the 
>ICANN party line irrelevant.  Government has requirements for 
>openess and accountability that have been neatly and tidily 
>surgically removed from ICANN.  How can you not realize this?  How 
>can you keep defending them?  Give us substance and not assertions 
>>My only comment is I wish the "unindicted conspirators" were as
>>devious and organized as you claim. My experience is that they were
>>not and still are not. I just don't believe that the ICANN Board (nor
>>did the ITAG or the ISOC Board) meets in private to plot the takeover
>>of the internet as I never saw or heard or attended any such meetings
>>and I have rather good spies. People were trying hard to find
>>solutions to difficult problems in a rapidly changing and complicated
>>world -- it is hard.
>>Maybe we/they were/are incompetent at laying out a good course but it
>>was not for trying.
>>I have a lot of unhappiness as to how ICANN is evolving but I just
>>can't believe it is being done for bad or evil purposes.I also repeat
>>something I said on an IP mailing manny moons ago. If ICANN fails it
>>will be taken as a indicator that the net can not manage itself and
>>we will get "Adult" supervision which believe me we will not like. We
>>must make it work.
>The COOK Report on Internet            Index to seven years of the COOK Report
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>(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax)           ICANN: The Internet's Oversight Board -
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    What's Behind ICANN's Desire to Control
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