Dave Farber wrote:
> If ICANN fails it
>will be taken as a indicator that the net can not manage itself and
>we will get "Adult" supervision which believe me we will not like. We
>must make it work.

Mr, Farber. There is room here for a different cause/effect analysis.  I
posit that if ICANN fails, it will be an indicator that the ICANN *model*
was not workable, NOT that the Net cannot manage itself.  The model that is
the source of so much controversy is one that began with several insiders
hand-picking a group of supposed DNS newbies who were, in turn, secretive,
clueless and easily swayed.

What litmus test would you apply to determine whether ICANN has failed?
IMHO, ICANN is a failure, has been a failure since Day One, and will always
be regarded as a failure and denied the respect it so desperately seeks
because of its hubris, arrogance or ineptness, take your pick.

ICANN failed as soon as it:

-  announced its "initial" board selected through a secret process that did
not allow community input
- promulgated its first bylaws which did not use the IFWP consensus points
as a  touchstone;
-  held its first closed board meeting;
-  focused on policymaking instead of establishing a membership and voting
- established accreditation requirements for registrars that have policy
implications for domain name registrants;
- established a gerrymandered structure of constituencies;
- denied individuals (arguably the largest constituency in the Internet
community) any representation on the policy recommending body;
- violated its own bylaws in the conduct of its activities;
- used its unelected interim position to extend the terms of its members; and
- allowed itself to be captured by a coalition of ISOC and IP interests.

ICANN arrived on the DNS scene as a stillborn puppy.  This is why your
assertion that "we must make it work" falls on deaf ears.  Sorry, but that
dog won't hunt.

Ellen Rony                         ____             The Domain Name Handbook
Co-author                      ^..^     )6     http://www.domainhandbook.com
+1 (415) 435-5010              (oo) -^--                     ISBN 0879305150
Tiburon, CA                        W   W               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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