Craig McTaggart wrote:
> Roberto Gaetano wrote:
> <snip>
> > I thought that as CEO he is accountable to his 
> shareholders, not to the
> > Internet Community (not even to speak about the IFWP list).
> No, that's what Telage says when he threatens ICANN and the 
> NTIA, but unless
> corporate law is fundamentally different in Virginia (or 
> Delaware) than
> Ontario, any CEO's duties are owed to the corporation itself, not its
> shareholders.
> A corporation's affairs are managed by its directors, who 
> also owe their
> duties solely to the corporation itself, not its shareholders.  The
> directors may be nominees of shareholders, but if they act in 
> their own
> interests instead of the best interests of the corporation 
> itself, trouble
> follows.
> In the normal course, it is difficult to distinguish between the best
> interests of the corporation and those of the shareholders, 
> since financial
> success is what everybody's after, but at the margins it does 
> matter, and
> this situation just might be weird enough to become an example.

Whatever. If it's the shareholder, or the Corporation, or the Government, or
the Holy Spirit, it does not make any difference.

My point is that he is not accountable to few people on a mailing list.
That's all.

I have the impression that on the IFWP list we are asking for resignment of
whoever we (we who, BTW?) don't like, in whatever position, as if the whole
world had to take into account our opinions.

Well, taugh luck. Most of them are not even reading the mail ;>).


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