I think it would help if Icann got some media coverage on television ti
would help.
Microsoft does a good bang up job of promoting itself that way,why are
there no television news coverage on the issue, I think that would help


Greg Skinner wrote:

> "Richard J. Sexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nonsense. If the net wold just ake up and ignore this illegitimate
> > organization and tryuly self organize, I'm sure the root server
> > operators and current tld managwers would not only keep things
> > running, eut expand the tld space ina sensible manner.
> Why do you suppose this isn't happening?  Perhaps you have
> underestimated the amount of support ICANN has, or the desire the net
> has for it to work (even if they're unhappy with what the current
> board has done).
> --gregbo

Sr. F. Fanego, Director
Centro Planetario de Communicacion y Computacion       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planet Communications & Computing Facility             (212) 894-3704
ext. 1033

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