Vested interests make all the difference in the world. I am not a revolutionary
someone steps on my toes and refuses to get off, then I have to stand up and
"Excuse me, your stepping on my toes", at that point I become revolutionary, not
necessarily a new concept but it helps.


Greg Skinner wrote:

> Richard, you remember Vixie's comments here a while back, right?  "I ain't
> in it for your revolution."  What makes you think that if ICANN fails he
> and the other root server operators are going to engage in some cyber-revolt?
> And if they did, what makes you think that the rest of the net would follow
> them?  People want things to work smoothly.  The current situation, while not
> perfect, offers stability.  If there was some kind of cyber-revolt, most
> likely the USG would step in and instruct the net to take their DNS from
> sites that present the same level of coordination they currently enjoy.
> --gregbo

Sr. F. Fanego, Director
Centro Planetario de Communicacion y Computacion       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planet Communications & Computing Facility             (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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