On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Greg Skinner wrote:

> "J. Baptista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No.  How about real competition?  There are 160,000 estimated dns
> > administrators who control which root servers are used by their users.
> > How much do you think corporate interests would pay these administrators
> > for the priviledge of running the global network routing structure?
> I imagine corporate interests, in the interest of remaining such will
> pay their administrators to point their DNS at the root servers that
> offer the level of stability we currently have.

I disagree.  The worlds changed.  I appreciate your position and what your
saying.  But you have to see the corporate angle here.  The question is,
would running the internet be a good thing and how much are they willing
to pay for the concession?

Look at the lower end of the corporate margin players in dns.  That
company, that is willing to pay NSI a flat rate of $18 to give you a free
domain name in return for sending you advertising, is going to make a
bundle.  Internet advertising is a very messy and mixed up market, and a
captive audience is costs.

So based on those minimum expectations,  how much is too much too run the
world.  If PCCF can accomplish it's goals, alots of dns administrators are
going to make a pretty penny in all of this.

> service, when I see it.  As you point out, no one is taking such an
> effort to the Internet community at large.  I have never understood

Were on top of it greg.  This month will be dns admin empowerment month.
Were even putting Mr. Roberto Shaw aside for a bit.  He'll have to wait
until we finish the job.  I very curious to see what happens when 109,000
system administrators find out their being shafted, but there are options.

Joe Baptista

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

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