there's a riot going on there.  i'm waiting for the bbc feed - usually
they show more of the violence.

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Jay Fenello wrote:

> Earlier today, CSPAN was broadcasting from
> the opening session of the WTO.  I stepped
> away for a few moments, and when I returned,
> they were playing old clips from the Iranian
> hostage situation.
> Now they are playing other clips from Jimmy
> Carter's administration!
> What happened?
> If you go to the CPAN home page,
> they are still listing:
>    WTO Opening Meeting
>    UN Sec. Gen. Annan
>    Sec. of State Albright, others
>    LIVE on C-SPAN - Starting Shortly
> What the heck is going on?
> Jay.
> At 04:18 PM 11/30/99 , Mark C. Langston wrote:
> >Seems that downtown Seattle has become a bit of a military zone...
> >police fired pepper spray and (reportedly) rubber bullets into crowds
> >of WTO protesters today.
> >
> >The individual continues to be trampled upon, the business types continue
> >to just not get it, and the media continues to chase sensation rather
> >than news.
> >
> >The parallels between the actions of the WTO and ICANN are many, as are
> >the reactions on all sides.
> >
> >it's the lead story on at the moment.
> >
> >Will it take this level of activism to draw attention to the
> >injustices being committed by ICANN?  At the very least, those
> >opposing the WTO provide an activist pool from which to draw support
> >against ICANN's attempts to do on the net what the WTO wants to do in
> >other commerical sectors.
> >
> >--
> >Mark C. Langston
> >Systems Admin
> >San Jose, CA
> Respectfully,
> Jay Fenello,
> New Media Relations
> ------------------------------------
>  770-392-9480
> "We are creating the most significant new jurisdiction
> we've known since the Louisiana purchase, yet we are
> building it just outside the constitution's review."
>    --  Larry Lessig, Harvard Law School, on ICANN

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