very perceptive observation Ellen and quite right.

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Ellen Rony wrote:

> I currently serve as chair the Nominating Committee for the Environmental
> Forum of Marin, a 27 year-old organization.  In our situation, the
> Nominating Committee wields enormous power because it screens potential
> candidates and presents a proposed slate to the Board of Directors which is
> then approved to be voted on by the members at the annual meeting.  While
> additional nominees can come from the floor at that time, the vote is
> always pro forma.  The Nominating Committee nominates its successors.
> Where are the checks and balances in the ICANN @Large nominating plan?  An
> ICANN board can appoint a Nominating Committee that has a particular agenda
> or perspective and may screen out candidates who do not fit the desired
> mold.
> >
> >The following are highlights from the ICANN Board's 10 March 2000
> >meeting in Cairo:
> >
> >At-Large Membership:
> >
> >       The Board instructed the staff to prepare Bylaws amendments
> >       and other resolutions, for public comment and subsequent
> >       Board action, to accomplish the following:
> >
> >       * Establish a Nominating Committee to be appointed by the
> >         Board to accept recommendations from the Internet community
> >         for At-Large ICANN Directors, and to nominate five or more
> >         candidates for consideration for selection to the ICANN
> >         Board.
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
> Ellen Rony                    //
> Co-author                  *="  ____ /            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The Domain Name Handbook      \     )                  +1  415.435.5010
>                               //   \\             "Carpe canine"
>           The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.

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