I currently serve as chair the Nominating Committee for the Environmental
Forum of Marin, a 27 year-old organization. In our situation, the
Nominating Committee wields enormous power because it screens potential
candidates and presents a proposed slate to the Board of Directors which is
then approved to be voted on by the members at the annual meeting. While
additional nominees can come from the floor at that time, the vote is
always pro forma. The Nominating Committee nominates its successors.
Where are the checks and balances in the ICANN @Large nominating plan? An
ICANN board can appoint a Nominating Committee that has a particular agenda
or perspective and may screen out candidates who do not fit the desired
>The following are highlights from the ICANN Board's 10 March 2000
>meeting in Cairo:
>At-Large Membership:
> The Board instructed the staff to prepare Bylaws amendments
> and other resolutions, for public comment and subsequent
> Board action, to accomplish the following:
> * Establish a Nominating Committee to be appointed by the
> Board to accept recommendations from the Internet community
> for At-Large ICANN Directors, and to nominate five or more
> candidates for consideration for selection to the ICANN
> Board.
Ellen Rony // http://www.domainhandbook.com
Co-author *=" ____ / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Domain Name Handbook \ ) +1 415.435.5010
// \\ "Carpe canine"
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.