Ellen Rony wrote:
> Where are the checks and balances in the ICANN @Large nominating plan?  An
> ICANN board can appoint a Nominating Committee that has a particular agenda
> or perspective and may screen out candidates who do not fit the desired
> mold.

That is obviously exactly what they intend. Embarrassed into
deleting the 'At-large Council' by the publicly-made CDT and Common
Cause criticisms of the election process
(http://www.cdt.org/dns/icann/study/), the ICANN Board has simply
replaced the Council with the Nominating Committee.

Will CDT and Common Cause keep quiet now, or will they continue to
denounce ICANN's shenanigans and duplicity? That depends upon the
position of the Markle Foundation, which did not openly support the
CDT and Common Cause announcements. If CDT and Common Cause now
openly criticize the Nominating Committee trick, and Markle does not
support their stance and withdraws its funding to them, we may have
heard the last of the only public voices so far opposed to this
dangerous farce.

This indeed seems to be what has happened: "Public Interest Groups
Praise Democratic Course Set by ICANN" (http://www.cdt.org/).
Unless, of course, the CDT/Common Cause study of the ICANN election
process was a ruse from the beginning.

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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