Jay Fenello wrote:
> Bret Fausett, a long-time ICANN observer, describes how ICANN kept its
> plans to create a one-sided Nomination Committee secret.

> Mr. Fausett asks why it is that the group selecting candidates for the
> At-Large is composed entirely of representatives of Board members and of
> groups already well represented elsewhere in the ICANN structure -- and has
> no representatives of users.

This is ridiculous. Bret Fausett files a Request For Reconsideration
with the ICANN Board because the At-large Nominating Committee has
no representatives of at-large users on it. This would be like the
President of the Warsaw Ghetto filing a Request For Reconsideration
with Joseph Goebbels while Warsaw's 1 million jews were being carted
off to the gas chambers, or the Catholic Church filing a Request For
Reconsideration with General Videla while Argentine college students
were being dropped into the sea from airplanes after having been

Bret Fausett and Diane Cabell (who teaches online seminars on the
UDRP for Fausett's Association of Internet Professionals) are the
loyal opposition that keeps people who are seriously outraged by
ICANN from doing anything about it.

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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