don't be offended, but your method is doomed to failure......
you will NEVER EVER get enough people to understand and to care 
enough to make a dent in the monolith.......

what you can do is begin to grasp the end to end problems and see how 
trust fits and see that if end to end can be maintained with trust 
tools at the end the rest of what the bloody control bastards do in 
the middle is irrelevant.

>Hi Stef --
>The issue of despots arises because ICANN and all other
>such tyrannies across the spectrum, varying by degree, are
>able to function solely because people want to be ruled by
>despots. It's classic codependency, an addictive behavior,
>this need for saviors instead of saving ourselves, this false
>belief we're too sinful or inadequate to live responsibly free.
>Network democracy can help to induce personal democracy.
>My efforts are aimed at helping myself and the rest of society
>mature enough so real democracy can have a chance to work.
>It's quite narcissistic, in a way, my hope to live in a better world.
>I am focusing on ICANN because communication weaves the
>web of culture, and ICANN acts at the "core" of global media.
>Internet despotism tends to perpetuate political despotism,
>so I want our Internet to be ruled to democracy, not whim.
>Hope this clarfication helps you understand my motives.
>-- ken
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