On 03/08/2015 06:50 PM, Bryan D. wrote:
> My interpretation of the nice chart and notes on
> https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/What_are_Virtual_IP_Addresses
> leads me to believe that I can switch the CARP VIPs to be IP Alias VIPs.  
> However, when I do that, the 2 servers for the 2 domains tied to the VIPs are 
> no longer accessible from the Internet (but IIRC, the mobile VPNs still work).
> Can anyone suggest what it is that I don't understand (well, limited to this 
> behavior, at least)?

As has been hinted at elsewhere in the thread, your problem is likely
layer 2-related.

CARP VIPs get their own unique MAC address. Proxy ARP and IP Alias VIP
MAc addresses are shared with the NIC itself.

Changing from CARP to Proxy ARP or IP Alias would cause the MAC address
of the VIP to change, which may require clearing the ARP cache on the
modem/upstream router/etc.

Another possibility is that your upstream requires each additional IP
address to have a unique MAC address. We have seen this with some ISPs /
certain modems and it's a bit of a pain. CARP works around it because
each VIP on a different VHID has a unique MAC address, where IP alias
and Proxy ARP VIPs all have the same MAC address.

So there isn't a clear answer here. Likely, it would be OK to use Proxy
ARP, but you'll need to reboot the modem or upstream router. If that
still fails and CARP works, then your ISP or upstream equipment must be
expecting each IP to have a unique MAC address.

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