Everything had been fine for ages. Had a hard lock Tuesday before lunch...
couldn't ping it, no response at physical kb, had to hard reboot it.

Came back late that night to apply 2.3.2 update. Had another hard lock
today a little after noon. Was looking into it and getting set up to ssh in
from home so I could plan to reboot every night until after Labor Day trip
when I would look further into it. Then got another hard lock while trying
to ssh in around 3:30.

Coming back tonight to do memtest, SpinRite on the SSD, etc..., but I was
wondering if anyone has any ideas of anything that might cause hard locks
aside from hardware problems? If this was linux, I would blame it on
systemd, but I don't know if FreeBSD would ever hard lock outside of
hardware issues.

The hardware is a SuperMicro Atom board I bought from iXSystems installed
to a Samsung 850 Pro with 8GB ECC RAM.

I know this isn't much to go on, and I am not expecting help with
troubleshooting, but there was nothing in system logs or dmesg that looked
out of place after the first 2. Mostly I am curious if others have ever
seen hard locks happen in FreeBSD and what caused them in their experience.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Todd Russell
Director of IT and Webmaster
Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College

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