There are interception modes.

Peek and splice
And bump.

So sqid:

I do not have it in front of me right now but it sounds like you do not
have the SSL proxy setup right.  Only one of those methods does not require
a SSL cert to be installed on a client system.

Also you have to deal with pinned certs in web browsers....also you have to
deal with chrome udp protocals like QUIC that bypass the proxy entirely...

It is either you have the proxy setup wrong or did not setup the sqid rules


On May 8, 2017 11:34 AM, "José Gregorio Díaz Unda" <>

Dear PFSense crew,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my issue. If not, please
let me know.

Has somebody setup well SSL Filtering in PFSense?

I have installed:

PFSense 2.3.3_1
squid 0.4.36_3
squidGuard 1.16.1

Transparent Mode

I just want to block Youtube (ssl) for certain group of users via alias,
but when Squiduard is enabled, any SSL traffic is blocked.

This is a basic task but unfortunately it has been impossible to make it

Thanks in advance.

José G.
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