
Before I left the office, decided to test from another laptop.
Unfortunately, I was able to access YouTube.

Why some machines access YouTube and others apparently are blocked?

What could I be missing?

Thanks in advance.

José G.

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 7:20 PM José Gregorio Díaz Unda <jgdiazu...@asyste.cl>

> Hi Web and thanks for your help,
> Recently I've updated to:
> *2.3.4-RELEASE (i386) *
> *built on Wed May 03 15:22:11 CDT 2017 *
> *FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p19*
> And my packages for content cache/filtering:
> *squid 0.4.36_3*
> *squidGuard 1.16.2*
> I have selected *"Splice All"* for SSL/MITM Mode chich says: *"This
> configuration is suitable if you want to use the SquidGuard package for web
> filtering. All destinations will be spliced. SquidGuard can do its job of
> denying or allowing destinations according its rules, as it does with HTTP.
> You do not need to install the CA certificate configured below on clients."*
> Currently I have Transparent HTTP Proxy mode enabled. However, I
> uninstalled the local SSL certificate pinned in Firefox.
> After enabling HTTPS/SSL Interception, I created a couple of rules:
>    1. In Domain List box I wrote: mega.cl;
>    2. A Target Group named "stream_de_video" and inside "Regular
>    Expression" box wrote "youtube".
> Then, I did some tests with Firefox and had these results:
>    1. http://youtube.com -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    2. http://www.youtube.com -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    3. https://youtube.com/ -> *"Secure Connection Failed: An error
>    occurred during a connection to youtube.com <http://youtube.com>. SSL
>    received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code:
>    4. https://www.youtube.com/ -> *"Secure Connection Failed: An error
>    occurred during a connection to youtube.com <http://youtube.com>. SSL
>    received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code:
>    5. http://mega.cl/ -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    6. http://www.mega.cl/ -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    7. https://www.mega.cl/ ->
> *"Secure Connection Failed: An error occurred during a connection to
>    youtube.com <http://youtube.com>. SSL received a record that exceeded the
>    maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG" *
> I don't understand why 3 and 4 are not matching with the target group, but
> apparently youtube it's being blocked when the browser is Firefox. By the
> other hand, mega.cl as domain is being blocked with as SSL and non-SSL
> traffic.
> However, when I do the same tests using Google Chrome there is a different
> history:
> *Using an Incognito Window: *Apparently everything is blocked
>    1. http://youtube.com -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    2. http://www.youtube.com -> *Chrome redirects to a
>    https://www.youtube.com <https://www.youtube.com> site and the error says
>    "www.youtube.com <http://www.youtube.com> sent an invalid response.
>    3. https://youtube.com/ -> *The error says "youtube.com
>    <http://youtube.com> sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR"*
>    4. https://www.youtube.com/ -> *"Secure Connection Failed: An error
>    occurred during a connection to www.youtube.com <http://www.youtube.com>.
>    SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error
>    5. http://mega.cl/ -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    6. http://www.mega.cl/ -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    7. https://www.mega.cl/ -> *"www.mega.cl <http://www.mega.cl> sent an
>    invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" (Because mega.cl <http://mega.cl>
>    does not use a SSL certificate)*
> *Using my "Normal Window"* (Non-Incognito): I access Youtube via SSL
>    1. http://youtube.com -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    2. http://www.youtube.com -> *Chrome redirects to a
>    https://www.youtube.com <https://www.youtube.com> site and the youtube
>    content is shown.*
>    3. https://youtube.com/ -> *The error says "youtube.com
>    <http://youtube.com> sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR"*
>    4. https://www.youtube.com/ -> *Chrome redirects to a
>    https://www.youtube.com <https://www.youtube.com> site and the youtube
>    content is shown.*
>    5. http://mega.cl/ -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    6. http://www.mega.cl/ -> *"Request denied by pfSense proxy: 403
>    Forbidden" (Matched with stream_de_video target group)*
>    7. https://www.mega.cl/ -> *"www.mega.cl <http://www.mega.cl> sent an
>    invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" (Because mega.cl <http://mega.cl>
>    does not use a SSL certificate)*
> After you mention QUIC, I did some research and found this: How to Block
> QUIC Protocol
> <https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/Management-Articles/How-to-Block-QUIC-Protocol/ta-p/120207>
> Apparently, I have to setup a firewall rule to block all UDP traffic for
> 80/443. So, I created a new rule in Firewall section for LAN which
> basically says:
>    1. Protocol: IPv4 UDP; Source: *; Port: *; Destination: *; Port: *80*;
>    Gateway: *
>    2. Protocol: IPv4 UDP; Source: *; Port: *; Destination: *; Port: *443*;
>    Gateway: *
> Now, when I try to access http://www.youtube.com with Chrome, it
> redirects to https://www.youtube.com but apparently its blocked: *This
> site can’t be reached. The webpage at https://www.youtube.com/
> <https://www.youtube.com/> might be temporarily down or it may have moved
> permanently to a new web address. ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR*
> Is that enough or do I have to consider anything else?
> Thank you so much for your guidance.
> José G.
> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 4:21 PM, WebDawg <webd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There are interception modes.
>> Peek
>> Peek and splice
>> And bump.
>> So sqid:
>> I do not have it in front of me right now but it sounds like you do not
>> have the SSL proxy setup right.  Only one of those methods does not
>> require
>> a SSL cert to be installed on a client system.
>> Also you have to deal with pinned certs in web browsers....also you have
>> to
>> deal with chrome udp protocals like QUIC that bypass the proxy entirely...
>> It is either you have the proxy setup wrong or did not setup the sqid
>> rules
>> right.
>> Web.....
>> On May 8, 2017 11:34 AM, "José Gregorio Díaz Unda" <jgdiazu...@asyste.cl>
>> wrote:
>> Dear PFSense crew,
>> I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my issue. If not, please
>> let me know.
>> Has somebody setup well SSL Filtering in PFSense?
>> I have installed:
>> PFSense 2.3.3_1
>> squid 0.4.36_3
>> squidGuard 1.16.1
>> Transparent Mode
>> I just want to block Youtube (ssl) for certain group of users via alias,
>> but when Squiduard is enabled, any SSL traffic is blocked.
>> This is a basic task but unfortunately it has been impossible to make it
>> work.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> José G.
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