If you put your network segment into Assisted Mode the clients will try SLAAC 
followed by DHCPv6 so that things can cooperate between both approaches. 

Matthew Hall

> On Aug 2, 2017, at 8:00 PM, Adam Thompson <athom...@athompso.net> wrote:
> You could be right, I was writing from memory and ... tbh, I don't care 
> enough to go look it up again :).  They shut down, that's a pain in the butt, 
> I was already on HE anyway, end of story for me.
> I would do the same here, except that (IMHO) Google's refusal to support 
> DHCPv6 on Android is completely asinine.  So my phone still doesn't get an 
> IPv6 address here at home :-(.
> (Note: Apple products work perfectly.)
> It's interesting to speculate about what will happen at some future date when 
> HE turns off (or starts charging for) their tunnel service...  I haven't 
> heard anything credible yet, but I assume it'll happen someday.
> -Adam

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