> i am new to REBOL .. pl. be more specific ....where do i make these
> changes... i checked the user.r file ... and how do i make these changes .

You would add lines like:
system/schemes/default/proxy/user: "username"
system/schemes/default/proxy/pass: "password"

to your user.r file.  However, it sounds like you don't use socks so
you may be out of luck until the next release.  Let me just dig a
little further to make sure.  Does your Netscape have ANY proxy
settings?  When you go to Edit->Preferences->Proxy, what is selected?
And if "Manual proxy configuration" is selected, are there any items
in the list with both the proxy and port number filled in?

The simple thing to do, I think, is check with oyur net admin and find 
out what proxies you have available to you to get external web access.


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