PLEASE ... end this commercial thing ... we will take rebol as it comes ..

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'll probably get flamed for this; but what the heck it won't be the first 
> time.
> We all seem to agree that REBOL is a fantastic acheivement.  Then isn't the 
> creator of this fantastic product deserving of some type of compensation for 
> his work?
> I just wonder how many of those complaining about the prospect of having to 
> pay for REBOL are not expecting to be paid for their work?
> Every day we plunk down our money for garbage; and now we're going to 
> complain because we're expected to pay for something that is really of 
> value?  I just don't understand it.
> Just my two cents worth.
> Thank you;
> Paul A. Porter
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