
This still doesn't make sense. Must we always do what the PERL people do.
Please note, Python maintains a central front. All of its many mailing lists
are accessible from this central site, www.python.org.


> Hopefully, REBOL.ORG may someday be its own non-profit organization,
> like Perl Mongers who run PERL.ORG. PERL.COM is run by O'Reilly, who
> publish text books (and I think have Larry on the payroll). The REBOL
> insiders helped to get things set up, but I think they really want to
> step back and find out what we end-users want to do. And, of course, on
> our own domain, we can be more critical (in a constructive sense).
> One initial source of confusion may have been running the REBOL list
> from REBOL.COM rather than REBOL.ORG - is that easy to change?
> -Ted.

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