> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 7:19 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Openletter to Rebol HQ. Re:
> my priorities are a little different.

No problem.

> 1. With the exception of a few minor glitches (and some very 
> rare crashes) REBOL/Core is currently doing most of what I would like 
> to see it do. It would be helpful if you posted a more detailed list 
> of items that you think are missing.

Well, here are some:

- external program execution
- database connection
- possible binary script format for distribution (see encryption thread)
- better error handling (error messages)
- interactive debugger (I know this will need some kind of GUI ;-))
- way to combine Rebol/Core with a script as one exe
- better documentation
- native dialect support, or how it should look like


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