On 30-Jan-00 20:40:27 joel.neely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Ewald!

>> Hi,
>> Just wondering: would REBOL run on a NEC V20 (an 10MHz 8088 clone)
>> running MINIX with 640KB (or 1MB) of memory? It would be very cool
>> so see such an old machine run the tiny webserver or do other
>> stuff. It's (for now) purely for showing off :-)

> Do you actually have MINIX running on such a box?  If so, I'd be
> very grateful to know where you got your copy of MINIX.  I have an
> old V20 gathering dust and would love to give it a new life!

> Of course, I would immediately start asking for REBOL... ;-)

> -jn-

:) now if Rebol went and ported it to MINIX.... I might just finally be
inspired to dig out the ol' Commodore PC10 and other XT hardware and get
it back up and running...

Now where did I put that MINIX boot disk?

Now that would really be addressing the lowest common denominator.. ;)

Is MINIX still being used in schools to teach Operating Systems Design and

If so, it may be worth making REBOL available for MINIX. Especially if
there is little, if any, modification needed to the REBOL source.

*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
Timothy Rue      What's *DONE* in all we do?  *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
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