On 31-Jan-00 13:52:38 Petr.Krenzelok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Excuse me folks, but is Minix 32 bit? If not, there would be a
> problem. Similar discussion was held re DOS ...

> -pekr-


MINIX has evolved over the years, so several versions exist. Two of these
are still current. The rest are obsolete. The current versions are:
       MINIX 2.0 (Intel CPUs from 8088 to Pentium)
       MINIX 1.5 (Intel, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari, SPARC)
This FAQ is for MINIX 2.0. There is also a MINIX 1.5 FAQ and a MacMINIX
FAQ. We would like to bring the 68000 and SPARC versions up to date
(i.e., to port MINIX 2.0 to these platforms). Volunteers should contact me

MINIX 2.0 can be compiled in either 16-bit mode or 32-mode, depending on
compile time flags. For 32-bit mode, a 386, 486, or Pentium is required.


>From the MINIX 1.5 FAQ (Re: Amiga notes - for the Amiga fans here)

* A hard disk is not required (or even supported).

* Minix will NOT run on 68020 and larger Amiga systems.

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