> Hi, Ewald!
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Just wondering: would REBOL run on a NEC V20 (an 10MHz 8088 clone)
> > running MINIX with 640KB (or 1MB) of memory?
> > It would be very cool so see such an old machine run the tiny webserver
> > or do other stuff.
> > It's (for now) purely for showing off :-)
> >
> Do you actually have MINIX running on such a box?  If so, I'd be very
> grateful to know where you got your copy of MINIX.  I have an old
> V20 gathering dust and would love to give it a new life!
> Of course, I would immediately start asking for REBOL... ;-)
> -jn-

No, I'm sorry, haven't had the time to install it, but I've found Minix
2.0 (for x86) and 1.5 (for 68k) at:

There's also another UNIX for small systems: ELKS (Embeddable Linux
Kernel Subset) which looks cool too, haven't looked at it yet (and it's
very beta at the moment).

Have to find some time to install it all :)

Ewald Börger

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