
Again I'm re-impressed with rebol. I spent yesterday and today parsing Rich
Text Format files with rebol and it works a treat.
Although I only got as far as loading RTF into Rebol blocks and words - but
I'm still impressed.

The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
content + presentation.

I'd appreciate any comments on other peoples experiences with this sort of

I hope others may yet find a use for the code I've generated so far, so I
placed it at rebol.org. And if you can use it let me know - I need the
satisfaction :)

The script can be found at http://www.rebol.org/general/rtf-tools.r

Brett Handley

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