Keith wrote:
> Why not (print skip 3 blk) instead of (print skip blk 3)?

Here's a 'skp function that does this as an alternative to 'skip.

>> skp: func [
[    {Returns the series forward or backward from the current position.}
[    offset [number!] "Can be positive, negative, or zero."
[    series [series! port!]
[    ][
[    skip series offset
[    ]
>> blk: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
== [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
>> elem: skp 2 skp 3 blk
== [6 7]

As for why it's like this, if you compare it to 'pick:
        pick blk 4
    it's very similar to:
        skip blk 4
    So I suggest that it seemed natural to continue it with 'skip?

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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