
I think the ";" is used as a comment so people who are comfortable with languages like 
java, c, C++,
etc can still end statments with a semi-colon if they want to. the rebol interpreter 
will just
ignore it.


print "hello";
ask "how do you do";

as for the brackets...[]... well when together, they look like blocks...don't they

take a look below


it looks like i stacked blocks on top of each other. My guess is carl chose [ and ] 
for blocks
because it looks like a block when put together...

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 8:42 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Rebol Tech, please answer. Two questions. Re:(4)

> >Here's two of those kinds of questions I
> >   know the "answer" to, but let's see if any one else has some
> >   ideas:
> >
> >   Why is semicolon (;) the REBOL comment character?
> >   Why are square brackets ([]) used for REBOL blocks?
> >   What do the above reasons have in common?
> Oooh a quiz!!
> No idea..But from a usability point of view, is it just a coincedence that
> these chosen REBOL keys are all together for easy use of the right hand?
> Only need a few keys to do most things on a REBOL keyboard
> ; ' []
> shifted provides us with :"{}
> all datatypes! are grouped along the top of the keyboard with the maths
> operators too.
> (But this doesn't hold true for all non US keyboard layouts though does it?)
> Cheers,
> Allen K
> I'm left handed and this layout seems natural to me, is it the same for
> right handers?.

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