On 9/22/2000 at 1:41 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Web Site Control Utility:  These type of things are growing in
popularity, the next killer app?  Could be.  I could see this being
to create with REBOL as well, of course depending on how in depth you
wish to go.  Could you explain more about this?

Here's the feature set from the two I've seen. I know one of these was
written in Perl. Dunno about the other. A REBOL version may have to use
/COMMAND to access the command shell. 


+ Change password
+ View Site statistics
+ Check resources (disk space, email, data transfer)
+ Manage POP mail accounts
+ Manage files - copy, rename, delete, change attribute
+ Protect directories, redirect URLS, 
+ Archive files and folders
+ Create site from standard templates
+ Install optional modules - MySQL, FrontPage, et cetera
+ Install optional features - Search Engine, Anon FTP, Mailing List,
PGP mail, 
+ Install optional scripts - Hit counter, form mail, 
+ Install new MIME types, security certificate, SSH
+ Trace routes
+ Contact support / Submit trouble ticket

Server Management

Manage Web Server 

Change your main server password 
Measure disk usage 
Install Webalizer(stats) 
Generate/View Web Stats 
Clear server logfiles 

Manage Email Services 

List all pop/ftp accounts 
Add a new pop/ftp account 
Modify an existing account 
Delete an existing account 
Configure email aliasing/forwarding 
Designate a site-wide default maildrop 
Configure autoresponding aliases 
Block unwanted email (spam) 
Advanced email for virtual hosts 
Create/Modify MailList 

Manage Ecommerce Services 

Order Merchant Account 
Order Transaction Gateway 
Install Gateway-Enabled Cart 

Manage Advanced Options 

List all Virtual Hosts 
Enable/Disable Logs 
How to password protect directories 
Set username passwords 
Create multiple usernames/passwords 
Set all cgi-bin programs executable 
Start/ Restart mSQL Server 
Stop mSQL Server 
Check Perl scripts for common errors 
Set file permissions on any file 
Untar a file 

Install New Services 

Order Internet Access 
Register Domain Name 
Add Front Page to a Virtual Host 
Add a Virtual Host vpanel 
Add a Virtual Host cgi-bin 
Install Virtual Host Webalizer 
Create a Guestbook 
Install Shopping Cart 
Install Support Queue 
Install mSQL Server 


I haven't stumbled over any apps like these in the CGI libraries, so it
still seems like a NEW thing to me.

And, of course, it is the type of project that can be written one
script at a time.

There was a story in an online article (perhaps apocryphal) that Carl
decided to write REBOL while setting up a Lynx box. He supposedly
thought to himself that there should be a single scripting language
that could be used to handle all these services, and then sat down to
work on REBOL. It would be cool to see that dream finally come true.


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