On 9/23/2000 at 9:01 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Now there's a real good one.  Take a look at the Ultimate BBS
(http://infopop.com), which is written in PERL and is
  like 250k worth of scripts in size.  The equivalent REBOL  code
should be like 50k or something.

I actually have that one installed, and people really enjoy using it.
Works like a charm. But we're moving away from Perl, so I'm looking at
a new open source board, Jive. In fact, I'm installing a test copy this
afternoon. For reference, the class folder (it's Java) is 250k, and the
source is 660k.

> The equivalent REBOL code should be like 50k or something.

So what's your point of reference for an application as
easy-to-configure and feature-rich as Ultimate BBS?

>   The key issue for doing a cgi based BBS is session   management,
authentication, authorization.  Those issues  have to be dealt with
first in the design and implementation  before moving on to any of the

Interestingly, Jive's < http://www.coolservlets.com/jive > major
selling feature is they separate presentation from the backend. It
supports user-selectable "skins" (UI's), and well as programatic
filters recall data from the pluggable backend to the skin.


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