
I'm sorry you had to go through this. If developing for IE is a genuine
issue for you, one of the things I do is I actually have a completely
craptastic Windows laptop that I test every site I create on. It was given
to me by my mother, runs Windows XP, I can't get the resolution to go above
800 x 600, and it's got an oldish version of IE on it. It's the best thing
I've ever done in terms of web design, because it lets me see right away
what's barfing. I'm sure you could find a cheapish one on eBay or something
similar; if you can, I would highly suggest it‹the older the better.


Dani Nordin
the zen kitchen
Graphic and web design with a touch of green
1 Fitchburg Street, B160
Somerville, MA 02143
401.787.5178 mobile

See a full portfolio and sign up for our monthly
newsletter‹thoughts on design, life, food and other

Read our notes from the zen kitchen‹weekly(ish) articles
on design, the environment, and life as a business
owner - at

On 8/2/06 10:02 PM, "SunUp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Someone wrote:
>> Out of interest, does anyone know how many OS 9 users are still out there?
> Amazing timing:
> 30 mintues ago I got a call from a user of our site (a department in a
> major public health institution) to say our site "doesn't work" for
> him. I established that he is using IE5/Mac (OS9).
> Someone else wrote:
>> People who regularly use old computer/browser combinations are use to sites
>> refusing them entry, crashing their browser or serving up unusable
> chaos as a web site.
>> If you serve them good clean semantic X\HTML  and CSS that does not
> kill their browser,
>> you will be surprised as the positive reactions you will get.
> I DO serve up good clean semantic HTML/CSS, but I cannot test for
> IE5/Mac because I don't have the luxury of having a gazillion
> computers at my disposal.
> I do use the IE5/Mac Band Pass Filter to serve a separate sheet, but
> it only contains styles that are fixes for "known issues" ...
> everything else that might go wrong is an unknown for me.
> My explanations about using "current best practice" and "web
> standards" didn't go down well with him .. He said "every other site
> works just fine, except yours". He asked "what's so good about it now
> compared to the old one?" .. and was singularly unimpressed with the
> answer (especially about accessibility issues: "Well, *I* can't access
> it, can I?").
> He took extreme umbrage at my suggestion that it was a 10 year old
> browser that even Microsoft doesn't support any more (and our own IT
> department won't even support Mac), and that it was "a bit of a
> dinosaur".
> In the end, all I could do was apologise that I couldn't support the
> browser he was using due to the constraints of my design environment,
> and wished him luck with his upgrade (he's been planning an upgrade,
> but hasn't gotten around to it).
> I felt deflated and close to tears (yea, I'm such a girl) ... I've
> worked damn hard on this site, and tried very hard to do The Right
> Thing all the way along, and tested it as much as I am able (but can't
> even test IE7 because I don't have XP).
> He said the one good thing is that at least our catalogue still works
> for him. Oh, great .. that's something that cost us a small fortune
> and was built by programmers who don't give a rats about good clean
> HTML, and makes me shudder with all its nested-table-spacer.gif
> ugliness.
> They're out there, folks, lurking, waiting to rise up and destroy ...
> sunny
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