Bruce wrote:
Looks to me like he's blaming ie for his design problems. On there is 226 errors returned by the validator. Scrollbars at 800px in all browsers, image distortion and odd text sizes...

Since I always add a bit of user-preference on any site (minimum font
size = 14px), looks slightly broken in Firefox 1.5 and
Opera 9 - worst in Firefox, and shows the usual weaknesses in IE6 - with
text that (mostly) cannot be resized and so on.
HTML validation: 207 errors (at the moment).

Pretty much a case of designer/coder problems rather than weak browsers,
IMO. The upgrade-banner looks rather counter-productive.
That site: certainly shouldn't have any problems with
neither IE6 nor IE7.


When it comes to IE7 and its "improved standard-support": well,
Microsoft have added some standard-support in IE7, but not much compared
to IE6.
Mostly they have fixed bugs, so most of the "claimed" standard-support
in IE6 looks like (more or less) _real_ standard-support in IE7. That's
better than nothing, but not much.

IE7 should be given a chance in "standard compliant mode" so one can
take advantage of the few improvements it has, but it can't do much as
long as we're talking standards. IE7 will still need a few "corrections"
when given anything but the simplest layouts, but the number of
"corrections" will be much smaller than for IE6.


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