Hi Micheal,

I recently styled an hr (on www.shoutpoint.co.nz) and found that IE had real
issues with placing a background image on an hr.  I can't get rid of the
border around it.

>From the research I did, there is no real way of getting around this, the
CSS support for hr's in IE just simply isn't great.

So if you want to get your gradient in there, try just putting in a div. I
don't often use hr tags because they're not often semantically necessary,
and in your case I would argue that you could just as well use divs?


-----Original Message-----
From: listdad@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Michael Cordover
Sent: Thursday, 16 November 2006 4:03 p.m.
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Internet Explorer strikes again...

On 11/16/06, John Faulds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless I'm missing something (I looked in FF as well), the hr appears to
> be just a solid colour so I wouldn't use a hr, I'd just use a coloured
> border.

Yeah, this is my bad; for some reason hr.png didn't get uploaded (I
blame wget failing to get background images, but perhaps not).  If you
have another look you'll notice the issue with black bar <hr/> in msie
and nice gradient purple in fx.

min-height trick fixed all my problems that side though; thanks a lot!

It's times like these that make me wish I worked live, or at least had
internet access on my development computer...




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