On the other hand, one of the major plusses for Camino is that it is
more tightly integrated with the OS than FireFox is, so it also uses the
OSX form elements au-naturale. (And pays attention to the proxy settings
in the OS, which is rather handy on my laptop.)  I think what you really
meant to say is that it treats the abuse of its own chrome with
disdain... many of us still believe that styling of Chrome is a Bad

I think form elements suffered a similar kind of fate as tables (ie branded css-incompatible). The monstrous symptoms of this that I bump into daily are a) form elements styled by html in otherwise valid sites b) forms designed for Safari users that fall apart visually when viewed otherwise c) unbearable amounts of chrome and glowing blue when navigating with Safari.

It's not an inevitability, but I'm sure there's a stigma out there in the minds of designers who think that forms mean either give up all hope of a controlled design or make improper use of html.

The project I am working on is highly stylised with plenty of circles and rounded edges everywhere - during the design process my co-designer sketched up visions for various templates, and got screen caps off her mac to simulate form elements - this actually chimed very well with our design, and would have been very close to how she would have seen the site on her setup with the forms left vanilla. On PC however, the visuals were horrible. Eventually, Peter Ned saved my life by developing a script that replaced buttons with anchors that retained all the key functionality:


For some people this presents a semantic obstacle... But I wouldn't have my site without this.


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