Interesting way of putting it :)

My answers:
1. 7, you should do everything within reason to make sure your code validates but sometimes it's just not possible and you shouldn't get too stressed about it. 2. Tell them that validating code will get higher search rankings, it doesn't matter if it's true or not 3. Valid code is more likely to be interpreted correctly by the crawling algorithms to best match your site with a search query. It's not the only factor but it does help. 4. If they literally don't care at all then it probably follows, but if they're like me and accept that validation isn't always possible then no. Sometimes I make invalid code with the specific purpose of increasing accessibility (ie making it work in as many browsers as possible). IE users are disabled people too.

- Andrew Ingram

hmmmmmmm, sorry if off topic and uncouth. I've a rather simple question or two if you please. 1. On a scale of 1-10, how important is W3C validation?
2. How does one convince folks that it is important?
3. Is valid code important to SE?
4. Does it follow, that those who don't care about validation also don't consider accessibility? I've decided that telling people it is important is like telling my 5 year old granddaughter that a tissue is better then her shirt sleeves. Yes the honey, the shirt is convenient, it works and you don't have to go about looking for a tissue. On the other hand, if you use your shirt it's nasty. If I were google had to crawl nasty shirt sleeves, I certainly would think twice before trying it again. Happy Holidays Everyone

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