On 1/9/07, David Dorward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 01:25:55PM +0100, Mihael Zadravec wrote:
>    What I wanted to say, is that for the navigational purposes, it
>    be used text rather than images with alt atribute that sould than be
>    like alt="Image as a link that points to About company".

No, alt="About company". The point of the image isn't to convey the
information "This is an image" (the user doesn't care about that), nor
is it to convey the information "This is a link" (the <a> element does

>    Maybe I'm wrong, and there is nothing wrong with "image based
>    navigation" that provides information about link itself thru
>    alternative text. I am thinking like: "Why sould there be an
>    alternative?"

Since HTML is a fundamentally text based medium, and text is a common
denominator that practically everybody can cope with (learning
difficulties and language barriers aside).

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

Hm... I agree, but still... Navigation should be text and not image based
from many other aspects...

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