Have you tried using <button> instead? There was a thread about this
just yesterday.
They're much more flexible:

On 1/9/07, Barney Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Styled buttons are a bucketful of issues. Normally it's practice to
complain about the current release of WebKit, but I've just bumped into
the issue of :hover and all those other pseudo-classes IE believes
should be reserved for <a>s exclusively.

My client complains that my heavily styled buttons do not obey the
modern convention of highlighting when mouseovered (which they do in FF,
but of course my hover properties are ignored by IE) - hence being
ambiguous in their interactivity. They're entirely right, but do I have
to strip my buttons of their styling to be able to achieve this?

Moreover, just how evil would it be for me to simply wrap the buttons in
<a>s, and giving the CSS [a:hover input.button{cursor:pointer}]?


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Kay Smoljak
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