No worries Mihael, i think you wanted to say "if you have ever listened
to a screen reader".

When I say I put the logo in a header it's because It's my opinion that
it is an important part of the document and should be in the html as
with other images that are relevant to the document. A website ideally
should be accessible to everyone, sighted or not so I don't code
specifically for screen readers nor any user agent. I always try to code
a nice, meaningful document. 'Try' is the operative word there, one
thing that's clear is that any consensus from these discussions is hard
to come by.

I also try to do it so, one can't always make thing to work idealy for all
user groups.

When I started to use JAWS, it helped me to understand the concept that
sould be adopted when coding websites... I must say, that before I used
it... some things just didn't come acros my mind.

Something like "..." screan reader reads it "dotdotdot"... that is anoying.
"This is the start of shorten news text and it ends with dotdotdot"
It is something that is also a part usability issue, while it anoyes while
listening... like it would some low contrast or something like that...

I've not managed to get a screen-reader working very well for testing so
far, does anyone know of one (preferably free) that provides a fairly
typical screen reader experience?

JAWS is a bit out of my price range.

Rob O

JAWS free trial is available here:
You can use it for 40 minutes, than it requests to reboot the system, and
you can use it again for 40 minutes. It is good thing for testing, maybe out
of graditude for making that kind of software I will buy one :) ( when I get
those 1000$ together )

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