Mike at Green-Beast.com wrote:
Hello Andrew,

Does anyone know of any other
legitimate uses of these tags?

For the life of me I cannot think of one legitimate use for the <b> element. If it's bold then the reason is probably strong emphasis thus <strong> should be used. Otherwise it should be made bold in the CSS. For the <i> element, though, I can think of a couple of legitimate uses:

1) To convey thought. Thought as in unspoken dialog should be italicized. This should be on the page, not CSS-styled so as to retain at least visual meaning.

    Example: <i>That's a good idea</i>, he thought to himself.

2) Language usage such as Latin as this is a long standing convention in print and must be retained (thus not styled via CSS).

    Example: <i lang="la">Lorem ispum</i>

That's my thinking on the matter. Hope it helps.

Mike Cherim

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So, in your view, is it OK to write:

One bedroom has an <em lang="fr">en-suite</em> bathroom and a single bed with . . .



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