after following several threads, i have converted my site to html 4.01.
what i want to do is section the parts of my page with hrs.  i can't figure
out why the styling of the hr does not work in ff or opera.

currently i am using borders on divs to achieve this effect, but to my
understanding the hr would be semantically correct to separate the page into
sections rather than use borders on divs as presentation.  the last two hrs
on the test page separate a side note from the rest of the content.  i guess
i could live with the presentational effect of the border that is currently
being used at the top of the page.

i have not removed the borders from the css, but you can see the faint line
of the hr and its initial placement.

what say you of my reasoning and what would be the best practice; and if
it's for the hr, how do i make it black?


dwain alford
p.o. box 145
winfield, alabama  35594

tele:  205.487.2570
cell:  205.495.5619

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